Explore module¤
Configuration property: modules.explore
| Scope: app-wide and per workspace
The Explore module of DataManager is used for graph data exploration.
- js.config.modules.explore
- enable
- startWith
- overallSearchQuery
- mapServer
- url
- ext
- graphlist
- defaultGraph
- hideSearch
- whiteList
- navigation
- defaultClass
- topQuery
- subQuery
- searchQuery
- listQuery
- itemsPerPage
- properties
- enable
- usage
- enable
- references
- enable
- turtle
- enable
- enable
- sunburst
- enable
- visualization
- enable
- webvowlConfig
- filter
- literals
- relations
- solitarySubclasses
- classDisjointness
- setOperators
- degreeOfCollapsing
- mode
- dynamicLabelWidth
- pickAndPin
- nodeScaling
- compactNotation
- colorExternals
- export
- json
- svg
- gravity
- classDistance
- dataTypeDistance
- reset
- pause
- search
- externalTools
- filter
- toolX
- enable
- tabname
- iframeUrlTemplate
- properties
Property | Default | Required | Conflicts with | Valid values |
js.config.modules.explore.enable | true | no | none | boolean |
Use this property to enable the Explore module of DataManager.
Note: If this property is set to false
, all other settings of modules.explore
are skipped.
Property | Default | Required | Conflicts with | Valid values |
js.config.modules.explore.startWith | false | no | none | boolean |
Use this property to load the Explore module as default one after login.
Note: If more than one module has defined startWith: true
the most left module in Module bar will be set as default.
Property | Default | Required | Conflicts with | Valid values |
js.config.modules.explore.overallSearchQuery | see below | no | none | string (query |
Use this property to define a custom query for the search field provided in the Module bar.
# default query
js.config.modules.explore.overallSearchQuery: |
SELECT DISTINCT ?resource ?_resource
?resource ?p0 ?label.
FILTER (!isBLANK(?resource)).
BIND (?resource as ?_resource) .
FILTER (contains (lcase(str(?label)), lcase("{{QUERY}}"))).
Note: The placeholder {{QUERY}}
is replaced with the search string entered by the user. A placeholder {{FROM}}
can be used to insert the currently selected graph URI.
Property | Default | Required | Conflicts with | Valid values |
js.config.modules.explore.mapServer.url |
none | no | none | string (URI) |
Extension of the tiles as provided by OpenMapTiles Map Server
Note: It works together with js.config.modules.explore.mapServer.ext
, and only if it is set.
Property | Default | Required | Conflicts with | Valid values |
js.config.modules.explore.mapServer.ext | none | no | none | string (URI) |
The service url as provided by OpenMapTiles Map Server. If not defined, the wikimedia server is used.
Note: It works together with js.config.modules.explore.mapServer.url
, and only if it is set.
This is how mapServer.ext
and mapServer.url
are used in your configuration:
Property | Default | Required | Conflicts with | Valid values |
js.config.modules.explore.graphlist.defaultGraph | none | no | none | string (file extension) |
Use this property to define a graph URI the user is allowed to work on.
Note: If the property is set the Graph box is hidden.
Property | Default | Required | Conflicts with | Valid values |
js.config.modules.explore.graphlist.hideSearch | true | no | none | boolean |
Set this property to true to hide the Search field in the Graph box
Property | Default | Required | Conflicts with | Valid values |
js.config.modules.explore.graphlist.whiteList | none | no | none | list of strings (query) |
Use this property to specify a list of graphs the user can see.
Property | Default | Required | Conflicts with | Valid values |
js.config.modules.explore.navigation.defaultClass | none | no | none | string (URI) |
Use this property to setup a default class.
Note: It works together with defaultGraph
, and only if it is set.
Property | Default | Required | Conflicts with | Valid values |
js.config.modules.explore.navigation.topQuery | see below | no | none | string (query) |
Use this property to specify a custom query that defines which top level classes of a graph are displayed.
# default query
js.config.modules.explore.navigation.topQuery: |
PREFIX rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>
PREFIX owl: <http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#>
SELECT ?resource ?hasChildren
?resource rdfs:subClassOf owl:Thing .
?r a ?resource .
FILTER NOT EXISTS { ?resource rdfs:subClassOf ?super } .
?resource a owl:Class
FILTER NOT EXISTS { ?resource rdfs:subClassOf ?super } .
?child rdfs:subClassOf ?resource .
FILTER(isIRI(?child)) .
FILTER(isIRI(?resource)) .
BIND(IF(BOUND(?child), "hasChildren", "noChildren") AS ?hasChildren)
FILTER (!regex(
Note: A placeholder {{FROM}}
can be used to insert the currently selected graph URI. The {{FROM}}
placeholder will be resolved to FROM <graphUri>
Property | Default | Required | Conflicts with | Valid values |
js.config.modules.explore.navigation.subQuery | see below | no | none | string (query) |
Use this property to specify a custom query that defines which subclasses of top level classes of a graph are displayed.
# default query
js.config.modules.explore.navigation.subQuery: |
PREFIX rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>
PREFIX owl: <http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#>
SELECT ?resource ?hasChildren
?resource rdfs:subClassOf {{RESOURCE}} .
?child rdfs:subClassOf ?resource .
FILTER(isIRI(?child)) .
FILTER(isIRI(?resource)) .
BIND(IF(BOUND(?child), "hasChildren", "noChildren") AS ?hasChildren)
Note: The placeholder {{RESOURCE}}
is replaced with the selected parent class. A placeholder {{FROM}}
can be used to insert the currently selected graph URI. The {{FROM}}
placeholder will be resolved to FROM <graphUri>
Property | Default | Required | Conflicts with | Valid values |
js.config.modules.explore.navigation.searchQuery | see below | no | none | string (query) |
Use this property to specify a custom query that defines which classes of a graph are displayed when the user uses the Search field in the Navigation box.
# default query
js.config.modules.explore.navigation.searchQuery: |
PREFIX rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>
PREFIX owl: <http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#>
PREFIX skos: <http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#>
SELECT ?resource ?hasChildren
?resource rdfs:subClassOf+ owl:Thing
?r a ?resource .
?resource a owl:Class
?child rdfs:subClassOf ?resource .
FILTER(isIRI(?child)) .
?resource rdfs:label ?label1 .
?resource skos:prefLabel ?label2 .
BIND(IF(BOUND(?child), "hasChildren", "noChildren") AS ?hasChildren)
FILTER(isIRI(?resource)) .
regex(str(?resource),"{{QUERY}}","i") || regex(str(?label1),"{{QUERY}}","i") || regex(str(?label2),"{{QUERY}}","i")
Note: The placeholder {{QUERY}} is replaced with the search string. A placeholder {{GRAPH}}
can be used for insert currently selected graph URI (will be resolved to <graphUri>
Property | Default | Required | Conflicts with | Valid values |
js.config.modules.explore.navigation.listQuery | see below | no | none | string (query) |
Use this property to specify a custom query that defines which resources are displayed that are type of a selected class of a graph.
# default query
js.config.modules.explore.navigation.listQuery: |
PREFIX rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>
SELECT ?instance
?instance a {{RESOURCE}} .
FILTER isIRI(?instance) .
?class rdfs:subClassOf+ {{RESOURCE}} .
?instance a ?class .
FILTER isIRI(?instance).
Note: The placeholder {{RESOURCE}}
is replaced by the selected resource URI. A placeholder {{GRAPH}}
can be used for insert currently selected graph URI (will be resolved to <graphUri>
Property | Default | Required | Conflicts with | Valid values |
js.config.modules.explore.navigation.itemsPerPage | 15 | no | none | number |
Use this property to specify the number of items shown per page of navigation.
Property | Default | Required | Conflicts with | Valid values |
js.config.modules.explore.details.properties.enable | true | no | none | boolean |
Use this property to enable the properties
tab of DataManager
Property | Default | Required | Conflicts with | Valid values |
js.config.modules.explore.details.usage.enable | true | no | none | boolean |
Use this property to enable the usage
tab of DataManager.
Property | Default | Required | Conflicts with | Valid values |
js.config.modules.explore.details.references.enable | true | no | none | boolean |
Use this property to enable the references
tab of DataManager.
Property | Default | Required | Conflicts with | Valid values |
js.config.modules.explore.details.turtle.enable | true | no | none | boolean |
Use this property to enable the turtle
tab of DataManager.
Property | Default | Required | Conflicts with | Valid values |
js.config.modules.explore.details.history.enable | true | no | none | boolean |
Use this property to enable the History tab of DataManager.
Property | Default | Required | Conflicts with | Valid values |
js.config.modules.explore.details.statistics.enable | true | no | none | boolean |
Use this property to enable the statistic
tab of DataManager.
Property | Default | Required | Conflicts with | Valid values |
js.config.modules.explore.details.statistics.sunburst.enable | true | no | none | boolean |
Sunburst is the visualization element in statistic
Property | Default | Required | Conflicts with | Valid values |
js.config.modules.explore.details.visualization.enable | true | no | none | boolean |
Use this property to enable the visualization
tab of DataManager.
Property | Default | Required | Conflicts with | Valid values |
js.config.modules.explore.details.visualization.webvowlConfig.filter.literals | true | no | none | boolean |
Use this property to enable the literals filter in the OWL viewer.
Property | Default | Required | Conflicts with | Valid values |
js.config.modules.explore.details.visualization.webvowlConfig.filter.relations | true | no | none | boolean |
Use this property to enable the relations filter in the OWL viewer.
Property | Default | Required | Conflicts with | Valid values |
js.config.modules.explore.details.visualization.webvowlConfig.filter.solitarySubclasses | true | no | none | boolean |
Use this property to enable the solitary subclasses filter in the OWL viewer.
Property | Default | Required | Conflicts with | Valid values |
js.config.modules.explore.details.visualization.webvowlConfig.filter.classDisjointness | true | no | none | boolean |
Use this property to enable the class disjointness filter in the OWL viewer.
Property | Default | Required | Conflicts with | Valid values |
js.config.modules.explore.details.visualization.webvowlConfig.filter.setOperators | true | no | none | boolean |
Use this property to enable the set operators filter in the OWL viewer.
Property | Default | Required | Conflicts with | Valid values |
js.config.modules.explore.details.visualization.webvowlConfig.filter.degreeOfCollapsing | true | no | none | boolean |
Use this property to enable the degree of collapsing function in the OWL viewer.
Property | Default | Required | Conflicts with | Valid values |
js.config.modules.explore.details.visualization.webvowlConfig.mode.dynamicLabelWidth | true | no | none | boolean |
Use this property to enable the dynamic label width mode in the OWL viewer.
Property | Default | Required | Conflicts with | Valid values |
js.config.modules.explore.details.visualization.webvowlConfig.mode.pickAndPin | true | no | none | boolean |
Use this property to enable the pick and pin mode in the OWL viewer.
Property | Default | Required | Conflicts with | Valid values |
js.config.modules.explore.details.visualization.webvowlConfig.mode.nodeScaling | true | no | none | boolean |
Use this property to enable the node scaling mode in the OWL viewer.
Property | Default | Required | Conflicts with | Valid values |
js.config.modules.explore.details.visualization.webvowlConfig.mode.compactNotation | true | no | none | boolean |
Use this property to enable the compact notation mode in the OWL viewer.
Property | Default | Required | Conflicts with | Valid values |
js.config.modules.explore.details.visualization.webvowlConfig.mode.colorExternals | true | no | none | boolean |
Use this property to enable the color externals mode in the OWL viewer.
Property | Default | Required | Conflicts with | Valid values |
js.config.modules.explore.details.visualization.webvowlConfig.export.json | true | no | none | boolean |
Use this property to enable the feature export as json in the OWL viewer.
Property | Default | Required | Conflicts with | Valid values |
js.config.modules.explore.details.visualization.webvowlConfig.export.svg | true | no | none | boolean |
Use this property to enable the feature export as svg in the OWL viewer.
Property | Default | Required | Conflicts with | Valid values |
js.config.modules.explore.details.visualization.webvowlConfig.gravity.classDistance | true | no | none | boolean |
Use this property to enable the class distance option in the OWL viewer.
Property | Default | Required | Conflicts with | Valid values |
js.config.modules.explore.details.visualization.webvowlConfig.gravity.dataTypeDistance | true | no | none | boolean |
Use this property to enable the dataType distance option in the OWL viewer.
Property | Default | Required | Conflicts with | Valid values |
js.config.modules.explore.details.visualization.webvowlConfig.reset | true | no | none | boolean |
Use this property to enable the reset function in the OWL viewer.
Property | Default | Required | Conflicts with | Valid values |
js.config.modules.explore.details.visualization.webvowlConfig.pause | true | no | none | boolean |
Use this property to enable the pause function in the OWL viewer.
Property | Default | Required | Conflicts with | Valid values |
js.config.modules.explore.details.visualization.webvowlConfig.search | true | no | none | boolean |
Use this property to enable the search function in the OWL viewer.
Property | Default | Required | Conflicts with | Valid values |
js.config.modules.explore.externalTools.toolX.enable | false | no | none | boolean |
The externTools section can be used to configure one or more external tools which will be integrated as additional tabs in a resource detail view. The tool is then presented in the content of an iFrame. In addition to that, a JSON representation of the presented resource is send via postmate to the running application inside of the iFrame.
Use this property to enable or disable one specific external tool configuration.
Property | Default | Required | Conflicts with | Valid values |
js.config.modules.explore.externalTools.toolX.tabname | none | yes | none | string |
The externTools
section can be used to configure one or more external tools which will be integrated as additional tabs in a resource detail view. The tool is then presented in the content of an iFrame. In addition to that, a JSON representation of the presented resource is send via postmate to the running application inside of the iFrame.
Use this property to name the tab for the external tool.
Property | Default | Required | Conflicts with | Valid values |
js.config.modules.explore.externalTools.toolX.iframeUrlTemplate | none | yes | none | string (URL) |
The externTools
section can be used to configure one or more external tools which will be integrated as additional tabs in a resource detail view. The tool is then presented in the content of an iFrame. In addition to that, a JSON representation of the presented resource is send via postmate to the running application inside of the iFrame.
Use this property to specify the URL which will be loaded in the iFrame inside of the new application tab.
Note: The placeholder {{RESOURCE}}
is replaced by the selected resource URI. The placeholder {{RESOURCELABEL}}
is replaced with the titleHelper generated label of the resource.
Configuration example¤
enable: true
startWith: true
overallSearchQuery: |
SELECT DISTINCT ?resource ?_resource
?resource ?p0 ?label.
FILTER (!isBLANK(?resource)).
BIND (?resource as ?_resource) .
FILTER (contains (lcase(str(?label)), lcase("{{QUERY}}"))).
defaultGraph: ''
hideSearch: true
topQuery: |
?r a ?resource .
FILTER NOT EXISTS { ?resource rdfs:subClassOf ?super } .
subQuery: |
?r a ?resource .
?resource rdfs:subClassOf {{RESOURCE}} .
searchQuery: |
?r a ?resource .
?resource rdfs:label ?label .
FILTER(contains(?label, "{{QUERY}}")) .
listQuery: |
?resource a {{RESOURCE}} .
?class rdfs:subClassOf+ {{RESOURCE}} .
?resource a ?class .
enable: true
enable: true
enable: true
enable: true
enable: true
enable: true
enable: true
literals: true
relations: true
solitarySubclasses: true
classDisjointness: true
setOperators: true
degreeOfCollapsing: true
dynamicLabelWidth: true
pickAndPin: true
nodeScaling: true
compactNotation: true
colorExternals: true
json: true
svg: true
classDistance: true
dataTypeDistance: true
reset: true
pause: true
search: true