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API documentation and programming recipes.

Base URL¤

All relative API URLs are prefixed by a base URL of the form https://{domain}:{port}/{context} with the following parameters:

  • domain: The hostname or domain, where DataPlatform is installed. (required: true, type: string)
  • port: The port on which the application server is available. (required: false, type: integer)
  • context: The application context where DataPlatform is available (can be empty). (required: false, type: string)

HTTP error responses¤

The default format for HTTP error responses is compliant with RFC 7807 Problem Details for HTTP APIs. An HTTP error response contains a JSON object that provides at least two fields:

  • title: A short, human-readable summary of the problem type.
  • detail: A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.

The following optional non-standard fields may also be set:

  • status: The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
  • cause: The cause for this occurrence of the problem. It contains at least the same elements as specified previously, such as title and detail.

The following example shows an HTTP response containing JSON problem details using the application/problem+json media type:

HTTP/1.1 500
Content-Type: application/problem+json

"title": "Internal Server Error",
"status": 500,
"detail": "Database server 'Stardog' unavailable",
"cause": {
"title": "Internal Server Error",
"status": 500,
"detail": "Connection refused (Connection refused)"

Available APIs and Recipes¤