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Workflow Trigger¤


Workflow Triggers allow for execution of data integration workflows inside of the exploration interface.

Optionally, a reference to the resource in view on workflow execution can be sent, allowing an executed workflow to act specifically on this resource (or a specific portion of the Knowledge Graph related to it). Workflow triggers are associated to Node Shapes by defining special-purpose non-validating Property Shape resources.

Defining Workflow Triggers¤

Workflow Triggers can be defined and used in any active Shape Catalog (active means, it is imported from the main Shape Catalog). A workflow trigger resource references a data integration workflow by URI.

To define a workflow trigger the following information is needed:

  • Label: The trigger resource needs a label (can be given in different languages), which is used for the button presentation.
  • Description: The trigger resource needs a description, which is used as text that is sitting left of the button for further documentation of the activity to the user.
  • Workflow: the workflow parameter defines the workflow that shall be executed upon clicking the button. The workflow can be selected from a dropdown list.
  • Refresh View: can be either trueor false. If this value is set to true, the view that contains the workflow trigger will be reloaded upon workflow completion
  • Send Resource Reference: can be either trueor false. If this value is set to true, a payload that consists of the resource IRI that is represented in the view as well as the graph IRI of the graph that is currently selected.


Once a trigger resources is defined, it can be attached to a Node Shape by using a special-purpose non-validating Property Shape resources. Such property shapes use a shui:provideWorkflowTrigger statement to define, which workflow trigger are to be represented. SHACL path statements on such Property Shape resources are meaningless and ignored, but may be provided.

Payload Structure¤

When Send Resource Reference is set to true, a payload is added to the call of the workflow. The payload consists of a JSON document with two attributes:

Workflow Payload

   "graphIRI": "",
   "resourceIRI": ""
  • graphIRI is the IRI of the graph that is currently viewed and
  • resourceIRIis the IRI of the resource that is viewed