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Corporate Memory 20.03¤

Corporate Memory 20.03 is the first release in 2020.

The highlights of this release are:

  • DataIntegration supports resources to be stored in an AWS S3 buckets.
  • Rich SHACL forms can be used for the creation of new resources.
  • New BUILD module is introduced in DataManager to provide an experts shortcut to DataIntegration.
  • SPARQL queries can now be used to define arbitrary result tables directly in SHACL views.
  • Object properties can be switched between chips and resource table view in SHACL views.
  • cmemc, our Corporate Memory Command Line Interface is now generally available


With this release of Corporate Memory the DataIntegration, DataManager and DataPlatform configuration must be adapted according to the migration notes below.

This release delivers the following component versions:

  • eccenca DataPlatform v20.03
  • eccenca DataIntegration v20.03
  • eccenca DataManager v20.03
  • eccenca Corporate Memory Control (cmemc) v20.03

More detailed release notes for these versions are listed below.

eccenca DataIntegration v20.03¤

This version of eccenca DataIntegration adds the following new features:

  • Support for additional value types for mapping targets (XML Schema date/time types, duration, etc.).
  • More date types to DateTypeParser.
  • Script operator can also be used in local execution mode.
  • Operator search in mapping rule editor.
  • Safe-mode that prevents access to external data systems, e.g. JDBC, SPARQL dataset:
    • Data access in executed workflows is not affected by the safe-mode.
    • Safe-mode can be toggled on and off at runtime in the UI.
    • To enable safe-mode, set following parameter in the config: config.production.safeMode = true.
  • Config parameter caches.config.enableAutoRun, to enable/disable automatic execution of caches (default: true).
  • Knowledge Graph File Upload Operator: Lets the user upload N-Triples files from the file repository into a DataPlatform graph.
  • Support for file resource repositories on S3.

In addition to that, these changes are shipped:

  • Improved password encryption
    • Using AES-256 instead of AES-128.
    • If no valid key has been configured in production mode, application does not start.
    • Better error messages, if key is invalid.
    • Secret AES-256 key is generated from the configured key using SHA256 hashing, allowing for arbitrarily long keys.
  • Improved SQL writing performance for MariaDB and MySQL.
  • Rework of the dataset view:
    • If a dataset is opened, the SPARQL (for RDF datasets) or table view (other datasets) is directly opened.
    • Added Material Design formatting.
    • Added scrollbars to tables with many columns.
  • Active learning UI uses Material Design cards.
  • the config endpoint /core/config is no longer available when running in production mode.
  • If a mapping reads from a CSV column that does not exist, the mapping still executes successfully, but a warning is displayed in the execution report.
  • With XML dataset in streaming mode default URIs are now created by using the row and column numbers of the XML element instead of a hash value.
  • Reduce memory foot print of linking evaluation and execution.
  • We are now sorting tasks in workspace by label.
  • Now displaying the modification date in resource dialog.

In addition to that, multiple performance and stability issues were solved.

eccenca DataManager v20.03¤

This version of eccenca DataManager adds the following new features:

  • General
    • Blank nodes are filtered in shacline views.
    • Open external links in a new browser window.
    • shui:valueQuery for tabular representation
      • load of pre-defined queries as a shui:valueQuery.
    • ResourceTable now allow to resolve labels on download results.
  • Access Control
    • Allow to create user and groups providing just a label.
  • Module Explore
    • Shacl views now allow to switch object property links between chip and ResourceTable view
    • allow to add additional columns, search and filter using a ResourceTable.
    • sh:path is no longer mandatory on Shacl. One of both sh:path or shui:valueQuery is now mandatory.

In addition to that, these changes are shipped:

  • General
    • Layout make better use of widescreen estate.
    • Show existing resources linked by an object property in a ResourceTable in edit mode.
  • Module Explore
    • Navigation box uses search query only when a search term is present.
    • Creation of new resources can now make use of rich shacline forms.
    • Add new config parameter modules.explore.navigation.defaultClass that selects a default class EXPLORE should start with when modules.explore.graphlist.defaultGraph is defined.

The following features have been removed in this release:

  • Datasets management
    • Config parameter includeOAuthToken is no longer used. DataIntegration authentication will be done in an iFrame instead.
  • Access Control
    • Support for parameter Requires client has been removed from Access Control module.

In addition to that, multiple stability issues were solved.

eccenca DataPlatform v20.03¤

This version of eccenca DataPlatform adds the following new features:

  • SPARQL 1.1 Query endpoint
    • Support for non-string literals when using the contains, startsWith and endsWith filter functions.
    • Server side label resolution by using resolveLabels, which allows NONE and LABEL for resolving IRIs to literals.
    • The search parameter utilizes Stardog’s built-in text match instead of SPARQL CONTAINS if a Stardog database is used. The search string is cleaned from special characters and english stop words and conjuncts all search terms.
  • SPARQL 1.1 Update endpoint
    • owl:imports resolution on USING/USING NAMED clauses.
  • /info and /health in addition to defaults /actuator/info and /actuator/health for backward compatibility.
  • Show Redis status in application health if used as cache.
  • The property or must now be set in order to allow for JWT (signature) validation (see migration notes below).
  • Access Conditions
    • Allow embedded creation of elements of type eccauth:Account or eccauth:Group.

In addition to that, these changes are shipped:

  • Upgraded Stardog support to version 7.1.1.
  • The default value of the property has been changed from azp to clientId.
  • The properties under* have been moved to*.
  • The property security.oauth2.resource.anonymous has been moved to
  • The property http.cors.allowOriginRegex has been moved to http.cors.allowedOrigins.
  • The property http.cors.allowMethods has been moved to http.cors.allowedMethods.
  • The property http.cors.allowHeaders has been moved to http.cors.allowedHeaders.
  • The property http.cors.exposeHeaders has been moved to http.cors.exposedHeaders.

The following features have been removed in this release:

  • Versioning support has been removed.
  • Access Conditions
    • Support for eccauth:requiresProtocol and eccauth:requiresClient has been removed.
  • The properties security.oauth2 have been removed.
  • The property http.cors.enabled has been removed.

In addition to that, multiple performance and stability issues were solved.

eccenca Corporate Memory Control (cmemc) v20.03¤

This version of eccenca Corporate Memory Control (cmemc) adds the following new features:

  • config command group, to list, edit and check configurations
  • graph command group, to list, import, export, delete and open graphs
  • project command group, to list, import, export, create and delete projects
  • query command group, to list and execute local and remote SPARQL queries
  • workflow command group, to list, execute, open or inspect workflows
  • workspace command group, to import and export the workspace
  • ability to work with SSL enabled deployments (add CA certs)

Migration Notes¤


With v20.03 the following changes need to be made in your dataintegration.conf file when upgrading from v19.10:

  • Remove the play.crypto.secret property, it has been deprecated with v20.03.
  • Two properties need to be added: play.http.secret.key and plugin.parameters.password.crypt.key
    • both take an arbitrary alpha numerical string of minimum 16 characters length
    • depending on your deployment set them in your production.conf or application.conf DataIntegration configuration file
play.http.secret.key = "uiodshfoun78qwg8asd7gfasdasddfgn87gsn8fdsngasdfsngf8ds"
plugin.parameters.password.crypt.key = "uiodshfoun78qwg8"


In case you are deploying based on the DataIntegration docker images eccenca provides a production.conf configuration file needs to be used, the dataintegration.conf cannot be used to set the play.http.secret.key parameter.


The property plugin.parameters.password.crypt.key is used to encrypt / decrypt the passwords stored with you project configuration (e.g. JDBC passwords). When you set or change this property, all passwords in your DataIntegration projects need to be re-entered.


With v20.03 a the new BUILD module is introduced. In order to enable and configure it add the following section to you application.yml:

DataManager application.yml BUILD module configuration
  enable: true
  url: "<DI-BASE_URI>/workspace"

Where <DI-BASE-URI> need to point to the DataIntegration URI (e.g.


With v20.03 the following changes need to be made in your application.yml file when upgrading from v19.10:

  • the key http.cors.enabled has been removed
  • the key http.cors.allowOriginRegex has been renamed to http.cors.allowedOrigins and takes now a list of origins:
DataPlatform application.yml http.cors configuration
    allowedOrigins: # optional, defaults to allow all: "*"
      - "http://docker.local"
      - "https://docker.local"
  • the key security.oauth2.resource.jwt.keyValue has been removed
  • the key need to be specified.
    • Refer to your keycloaks Corporate Memory (cmem) realm “OpenID Endpoint Configuration” details where the relevant uri is listed as jwks_uri:
DataPlatform application.yml configuration
## OAuth2Properties
          jwk-set-uri: http://keycloak:8080/auth/realms/cmem/protocol/openid-connect/certs