admin store Command Group¤
Import, export and bootstrap the knowledge graph store.
This command group consist of commands to administrate the knowledge graph store as a whole.
admin store showcase¤
Create showcase data.
This command creates a showcase scenario of multiple graphs including integration graphs, shapes, statement annotations etc.
There is currently no deletion mechanism for the showcase data, so you need to remove the showcase graphs manually (or just remove all graphs).
--scale INTEGER The scale factor provides a way to set the target size of
the scenario. A value of 10 results in around 40k triples,
a value of 50 in around 350k triples. [default: 10]
--create Delete old showcase data if present and create new showcase
databased on the given scale factor.
--delete Delete existing showcase data if present.
admin store bootstrap¤
Update/Import bootstrap data.
This command imports the bootstrap data needed for managing shapes, access conditions, the query catalog and the vocabulary catalog.
There is currently no deletion mechanism for the bootstrap data, so you need to remove the graphs manually (or just remove all graphs).
admin store export¤
Backup all knowledge graphs to a ZIP archive.
The backup file is a ZIP archive containing all knowledge graphs as Turtle files + configuration file for each graph.
This command will create lots of load on the server. It can take a long time to complete.
admin store import¤
Restore graphs from a ZIP archive.
The backup file is a ZIP archive containing all knowledge graphs as Turtle files + configuration file for each graph.
The command will load a single backup ZIP archive into the triple store, by replacing all graphs with the content of the Turtle files in the archive and deleting all graphs which are not in the archive.
This command will create lots of load on the server. It can take a long time to complete. The backup file will be transferred to the server, then unzipped and imported graph by graph. After the initial transfer, the network connection is not used anymore, so it will be closed by proxies sometimes. This does not mean that the import failed.