$ vagrant up
Bringing machine 'rhel7' up with 'virtualbox' provider...
==> rhel7: Importing base box 'generic/rhel7'...
==> rhel7: Matching MAC address for NAT networking...
==> rhel7: Checking if box 'generic/rhel7' is up to date...
==> rhel7: A newer version of the box 'generic/rhel7'for provider 'virtualbox'is==> rhel7: available! You currently have version '1.9.18'. The latest is version==> rhel7: '2.0.6'. Run `vagrant box update` to update.
==> rhel7: Setting the name of the VM: rhel7_rhel7_1587731923819_11065==> rhel7: Clearing any previously set network interfaces...
==> rhel7: Preparing network interfaces based on configuration...
rhel7: Adapter 1: nat
rhel7: Adapter 2: hostonly==> rhel7: Forwarding ports...
rhel7: 22(guest)=> 2222(host)(adapter 1)==> rhel7: Running 'pre-boot' VM customizations...
==> rhel7: Booting VM...
==> rhel7: Waiting for machine to boot. This may take a few minutes...
rhel7: SSH address:
rhel7: SSH username: vagrant
rhel7: SSH auth method: private key==> rhel7: Machine booted and ready!
==> rhel7: Checking for guest additions in VM...
rhel7: The guest additions on this VM do not match the installed version of
rhel7: VirtualBox! In most cases this is fine, but in rare cases it can
rhel7: prevent things such as shared folders from working properly. If you see
rhel7: shared folder errors, please make sure the guest additions within the
rhel7: virtual machine match the version of VirtualBox you have installed on
rhel7: your host and reload your VM.
rhel7: Guest Additions Version: 5.2.30 r130521
rhel7: VirtualBox Version: 6.0
==> rhel7: Setting hostname...
==> rhel7: Configuring and enabling network interfaces...
Now you can connect to the virtual machine using ~/.vagrant.d/insecure_private_key ssh key:
# check validity of your license$ make stardog-license-check
docker run -it --rm --name stardog-license-check -v data:/data -v /opt/corporate-memory//conf/stardog/stardog-license-key.bin:/data/stardog-license-key.bin docker-registry.eccenca.com/complexible-stardog:v7.2.0-1 stardog-admin license info /data/stardog-license-key.bin
The license is invalid: java.io.EOFException
make: *** [custom.dist.Makefile:5: stardog-license-check] Error 1# request stardog trial license$ make stardog-license-request
docker run -it --rm --name stardog-license-check -v data:/data -v /opt/corporate-memory//conf/stardog/stardog-license-key.bin:/data/stardog-license-key.bin docker-registry.eccenca.com/complexible-stardog:v7.2.0-1 stardog-admin license request --force --output /data/stardog-license-key.bin
Thank you for downloading Stardog.
A valid license was not found in /data.
Would you like to download a trial license from Stardog (y/N)? y
Contacting Stardog..............
Please provide a valid email address to start your 60-day trial (we may occasionally contact you with Stardog news): ivan.ermilov@eccenca.com
Contacting license server...................
Email validated. You now have a 60-day Stardog trial license. Starting Stardog...
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# check the license again$ make stardog-license-check
docker run -it --rm --name stardog-license-check -v data:/data -v /opt/corporate-memory//conf/stardog/stardog-license-key.bin:/data/stardog-license-key.bin docker-registry.eccenca.com/complexible-stardog:v7.2.0-1 stardog-admin license info /data/stardog-license-key.bin
Licensee: Stardog Trial User (ivan.ermilov@eccenca.com), Stardog Union
Version: Stardog *
Type: Trial
Issued: Mon Mar 3010:47:17 GMT 2020Expiration: 59 days
Support: The license does not include maintenance.
Quantity: 3
# create local truststoreCONFIGFILE=environments/prod.env make buildTrustStore
# start and bootstrap Corporate MemoryCONFIGFILE=environments/prod.env make clean-pull-start-bootstrap
You have successfully deployed a Corporate Memory instance.