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Property Shapes¤

Property Shapes are resources of type shacl:PropertyShape. They are used to specify constraints and UI options that need to be met in the context of a Node Shape.

The following Property Shape properties are supported:

Naming and Presentation¤


In this group, presentation and naming properties are collected. Most of the properties are straight forward to use, other properties provide more complex features, such as table reports.


This name will be shown to the user.

Used Path: shacl:name


This text will be shown to the user in a tooltip. You can use new and blank lines for basic text structuring.

Used Path: shacl:description

Query: Table Report¤

Use this property to provide a tabular read-only report of a custom SPARQL query at the place where this property shape is used in the user interface.

The following placeholder can be used in the query text of the SPARQL query:

  • {{shuiMainResource}} - refers to the main resource rendered in the start node shape of the currently displayed node shape tree (only relevant in case of sub-shape usage) ;
  • {{shuiResource}} - refers to the resource which is rendered in the node shape where this property shape is used (maybe a sub-shape) ;
  • {{shuiGraph}} - the currently used graph.

Used Path: shui:valueQuery

Query: Table Report (hide header)¤

If set to true, the report table will be rendered without header (in case you expect only a single value).

Used Path: shui:valueQueryHideHeader

If set to true, the report table will be rendered without footer (in case you expect only a single value or row).

Used Path: shui:valueQueryHideFooter


Specifies the order of the property in the UI. Ordering is separate for each group.

Used Path: shacl:order


Group to which the property belongs to.

Used Path: shacl:group

Show always¤

Default is false. A value of true let optional properties (min count = 0) show up by default.

Used Path: shui:showAlways

Read only¤

Default is false. A value of true means the properties are not editable by the user. Useful for displaying system properties.

Used Path: shui:readOnly

Chart Visualization¤

Integrates a chart visualization in the property shape area. You should setup a property shape with chart visualization as readOnly and showAlways.

Used Path: shui:provideChartVisualization

Provide Workflow Trigger¤

Integrates a workflow trigger button in order to execute workflows from or with this resource.

Used Path: shui:provideWorkflowTrigger



In this group, property paths as well cardinality restrictions are managed.

Property of¤

The node shape this property shape belongs to.

Used Path: shacl:property


The datatype or object property used in this shape. This path will be ignored if there is a table report defined for the property shape. However, in Easynav, this path can always be used for exploration.

Used Path: shacl:path

Node kind¤

The type of the linked nodes. In Easynav, if these nodes are literals, they cannot be explored, but will be shown as metadata.

Used Path: shacl:nodeKind

Min count¤

Min cardinality, 0 will show this property under optionals unless ‘Show always = true’

Used Path: shacl:minCount

Max count¤

Max cardinality

Used Path: shacl:maxCount

Datatype Property Specific¤


In this group, all shape properties are managed, which only have effects on datatype properties.


The datatype of the property.

Used Path: shacl:datatype

Use textarea¤

Default is false. A value of true enables multiline editing capabilities for Literals via a textarea widget.

Used Path: shui:textarea

Regex Pattern¤

A XPath regular expression (Perl like) that all literal strings need to match.

Used Path: shacl:pattern

Regex Flags¤

An optional string of flags for the regular expression pattern (e.g. ‘i’ for case-insensitive mode)

Used Path: shacl:flags

Languages allowed¤

This limits the given Literals to a list of languages. This property works only in combination with the datatype rdf:langString. Note that the expression for this property only allows for ‘2 Char ISO-639-1-Codes’ only (no sub-tags).

Used Path: shui:languageIn

Languages Unique¤

Default is false. A value of true enforces that no pair of Literals may use the same language tag.

Used Path: shacl:uniqueLang

Object Property Specific¤


In this group, all shape properties are managed, which only have effects on object properties.


Class of the connected IRI if its nodeKind is sh:IRI. In Easynav, any new node that a user creates by means of this property shape, will be an instance this class.

Used Path: shacl:class

Query: Selectable Resources¤

This query allows for listing selectable resources in the dropdown list for this property shape.

Used Path: shui:uiQuery

Inverse Path¤

Default is false. A value of true inverts the expected / created direction of a relation.

Used Path: shui:inversePath

Deny new resources¤

A value of true disables the option to create new resources.

Used Path: shui:denyNewResources

Node shape¤

This shape will be used to create an embedded view of the linked resource.

Used Path: shacl:node



In this group, all shape properties are managed, have an effect on how new or existing resources are processed or created.

Ignore on copy¤

Disables reusing the value(s) when creating a copy of the resource.

Used Path: shui:ignoreOnCopy

Query: On insert update¤

This query is executed when a property value is added or changed.

The following placeholder can be used in the query text of the SPARQL query:

  • {{shuiMainResource}} - refers to the main resource rendered in the start node shape of the currently displayed node shape tree (only relevant in case of sub-shape usage) ;
  • {{shuiResource}} - refers to the resource which is rendered in the node shape where this property shape is used (maybe a sub-shape) ;
  • {{shuiGraph}} - the currently used graph.

Used Path: shui:onInsertUpdate

On delete update¤

A query which is executed when the resource the node shape applies to gets deleted.

The following placeholder can be used in the query text of the SPARQL query:

  • {{shuiMainResource}} - refers to the main resource rendered in the start node shape of the currently displayed node shape tree (only relevant in case of sub-shape usage) ;
  • {{shuiGraph}} - the currently used graph.

Used Path: shui:onDeleteUpdate

Target Graph Template¤

Graph templates can be used to enforce writing statement in specific graphs rather than into the selected graph. Graph templates can be added to node and property shapes. A template on a property shape is used only for overwriting a template on a node shape (without a node shape graph template, they do not have an effect).

Used Path: shui:targetGraphTemplate

Statement Annotation¤


Statement Annotations provide a way to express knowledge about statements. This group is dedicated to properties which configure the Statement Annotation feature.


A value of true enables visualisation and management capabilities of statement annotations (reification) for all statements which are shown via this shape.

Used Path: shui:enableStatementLevelMetadata

Provided Shapes¤

Instead of providing all possible statement annotation node shapes for the creation of new statement annotations, this property will limit the list to the selected shapes only.

Used Path: shui:provideStatementLevelMetadataShapes
