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admin acl Command Group¤

List, create, delete and modify and review access conditions.

With this command group, you can manage and inspect access conditions in eccenca Corporate Memory. Access conditions are identified by a URL. They grant access to knowledge graphs or actions to user or groups.

admin acl list¤

List access conditions.

$ cmemc admin acl list [OPTIONS]

This command retrieves and lists all access conditions, which are manageable by the current account.

--raw       Outputs raw JSON.
--id-only   Lists only URIs. This is useful for piping the IDs into other

admin acl inspect¤

Inspect an access condition.

$ cmemc admin acl inspect [OPTIONS] ACCESS_CONDITION_ID


access conditions can be listed by using the acl list command.

--raw       Outputs raw JSON.

admin acl create¤

Create an access condition.

$ cmemc admin acl create [OPTIONS]

With this command, new access conditions can be created.

An access condition captures information about WHO gets access to WHAT. In order to specify WHO gets access, use the --user and / or --group options. In order to specify WHAT an account get access to, use the --read-graph, --write-graph and --action options.`

In addition to that, you can specify a name, a description and an ID (all optional).

A special case are dynamic access conditions, based on a SPARQL query: Here you have to provide a query with the projection variables user, group readGraph and writeGraph to create multiple grants at once. You can either provide a query file or a query URL from the query catalog.


Queries for dynamic access conditions are copied into the ACL, so changing the query in the query catalog does not change it in the access condition.

$ cmemc admin acl create --group local-users --write-graph
--user TEXT         A specific user account required by the access
--group TEXT        A membership in a user group required by the access
--read-graph TEXT   Grants read access to a graph.
--write-graph TEXT  Grants write access to a graph (includes read access).
--action TEXT       Grants usage permissions to an action / functionality.
--query TEXT        Dynamic access condition query (file or the query
                    catalog IRI).
--id TEXT           An optional ID (will be an UUID otherwise).
--name TEXT         A optional name.
--description TEXT  An optional description.

admin acl update¤

Update an access condition.

$ cmemc admin acl update [OPTIONS] ACCESS_CONDITION_ID

Given an access condition URL, you can change specific options to new values.

--name TEXT         A optional name.
--description TEXT  An optional description.
--user TEXT         A specific user account required by the access
--group TEXT        A membership in a user group required by the access
--read-graph TEXT   Grants read access to a graph.
--write-graph TEXT  Grants write access to a graph (includes read access).
--action TEXT       Grants usage permissions to an action / functionality.
--query TEXT        Dynamic access condition query (file or the query
                    catalog IRI).

admin acl delete¤

Delete access conditions.

$ cmemc admin acl delete [OPTIONS] [ACCESS_CONDITION_IDS]...

This command deletes existing access conditions from the account.


Access conditions can be listed by using the cmemc admin acs list command.

-a, --all   Delete all access conditions. This is a dangerous option, so use
            it with care.

admin acl review¤

Review grants for a given account.

$ cmemc admin acl review [OPTIONS] USER

This command has two working modes: (1) You can review the access conditions of an actual account, (2) You can review the access conditions of an imaginary account with a set of freely added groups (what-if-scenario).

The output of the command is a list of grants the account has based on your input and all access conditions loaded in the store. In addition to that, some metadata of the account is shown.

--raw         Outputs raw JSON.
--group TEXT  Add groups to the review request (what-if-scenario).
