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workflow scheduler Command Group¤

List, inspect, enable/disable or open scheduler.

Schedulers execute workflows in specified intervals. They are identified with a SCHEDULER_ID. To get a list of existing schedulers, execute the list command or use tab-completion.

workflow scheduler open¤

Open scheduler(s) in the browser.

$ cmemc workflow scheduler open [OPTIONS] SCHEDULER_IDS...

With this command, you can open a scheduler in the workspace in your browser to change it.

The command accepts multiple scheduler IDs which results in opening multiple browser tabs.

--workflow  Instead of opening the scheduler page, open the page of the
            scheduled workflow.

workflow scheduler list¤

List available scheduler.

$ cmemc workflow scheduler list [OPTIONS]

Outputs a table or a list of scheduler IDs which can be used as reference for the scheduler commands.

--raw       Outputs raw JSON.
--id-only   Lists only task identifier and no labels or other metadata. This
            is useful for piping the IDs into other commands.

workflow scheduler inspect¤

Display all metadata of a scheduler.

$ cmemc workflow scheduler inspect [OPTIONS] SCHEDULER_ID
--raw       Outputs raw JSON.

workflow scheduler disable¤

Disable scheduler(s).

$ cmemc workflow scheduler disable [OPTIONS] [SCHEDULER_IDS]...

The command accepts multiple scheduler IDs which results in disabling them one after the other.

-a, --all   Disable all scheduler.

workflow scheduler enable¤

Enable scheduler(s).

$ cmemc workflow scheduler enable [OPTIONS] [SCHEDULER_IDS]...

The command accepts multiple scheduler IDs which results in enabling them one after the other.

-a, --all   Enable all scheduler.
