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This page describes a docker compose based orchestration running on your local machine and accessible via browser.

The code examples in this section assumes that you have POSIX-compliant shell (linux, macOS or WSL for Windows).


  • Access credentials to eccenca Artifactory and eccenca Docker Registry → contact us to get yours
  • docker and docker compose (v2) installed locally
  • git installed locally
  • jq installed locally
  • At least 4 CPUs and 12GB of RAM (recommended: 16GB) dedicated to docker

Setup & Check Installation Environment¤

Open a terminal window, create a directory, copy and extract docker orchestration there.

# Create eccenca-corporate-memory directory in your ${HOME} and set as a 
# working dir.

$ mkdir ${HOME}/eccenca-corporate-memory && cd ${HOME}/eccenca-corporate-memory

# download the Corporate Memory orchestration distribution
$ curl \

# unzip the orchestration and move the unzipped directory 
$ unzip
$ rm
$ mv cmem-orchestration-v* cmem-orchestration
$ cd cmem-orchestration
$ git init && git add . && git commit -m "stub"

Check your local environment:

# Run the following command to check your docker server version.
# To have the current security patches, always update your docker version
# to the latest one.

$ docker version | grep -i version
Version:    26.1.4

# Check docker compose version, should be at least v2.*.*
# update to the latest version if necessary

$ docker compose version
Docker Compose version v2.29.1

# login into eccenca docker registry

$ docker login
Username: yourusername
Login Succeeded


To install Corporate Memory, you need to modify your local hosts file (located in /etc/hosts), minimal configuration is as follows:

# Host Database
# localhost is used to configure the loopback interface
# when the system is booting.  Do not change this entry.
## localhost docker.localhost

Corporate Memory uses Ontotext GraphDB triple store as default backend. Graphdb is available as free version and does not requires a license. If you have a license for graphdb you can copy the file to the licensefolder inside Corporate Memory’s root folder.

# or

Then change the file environments/config.env to use the correct version:

# Use Free, 'se' or 'ee' or adjust the mountpoint in 
# compose/

Run the command to clean workspace, pull the images, start the Corporate Memory instance and load initial data:

# Pulling the images will take time

$ make clean-pull-start-bootstrap

You should see the output as follows:

make[1]: Entering directory '/home/ttelleis/cmem-dist/cmem-orchestration'
The target cleans up everything and esp. REMOVES ALL YOUR DATA. Do you want to continue?

You can avoid this question / interruption by setting CO_I_KNOW_WHAT_I_DO to true.
Type '1' for Yes or type '2' for No.

1) Yes
2) No
#? 1
make check-env kill stop down rm-log-dir
make[2]: Entering directory '/home/ttelleis/cmem-dist/cmem-orchestration'
/usr/bin/docker compose  kill
no container to kill/usr/bin/docker compose  stop
/usr/bin/docker compose  down --volumes --remove-orphans || exit 0
/usr/bin/docker compose  up -d
[+] Running 12/12
 ✔ Network dockerlocalhost_default              Created                   0.1s
 ✔ Volume "dockerlocalhost_store_volume"        Created                   0.0s
 ✔ Volume "dockerlocalhost_import_volume"       Created                   0.0s
 ✔ Volume "dockerlocalhost_postgres_volume"     Created                   0.0s
 ✔ Container dockerlocalhost-store-1            Started                   1.0s
 ✔ Container dockerlocalhost-apache2-1          Started                   1.3s
 ✔ Container dockerlocalhost-cmemc-1            Started                   1.2s
 ✔ Container dockerlocalhost-datamanager-1      Started                   1.3s
 ✔ Container dockerlocalhost-postgres-1         Healthy                   6.6s
 ✔ Container dockerlocalhost-keycloak-1         Healthy                  47.8s
 ✔ Container dockerlocalhost-dataplatform-1     Started                  48.3s
 ✔ Container dockerlocalhost-dataintegration-1  Started                  48.3s
Waiting for healthy orchestration.................. done
Remove existing bootstrap data from triple store and import shipped data from DP
chmod a+r conf/cmemc/cmemc.ini
docker compose run -i --rm --env "OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET=c8c12828-000c-467b-9b6d-2d6b5e16df4a" --volume /home/ttelleis/cmem-dist/cmem-orchestration/data:/data --volume /home/ttelleis/cmem-dist/cmem-orchestration/conf/cmemc/cmemc.ini:/config/cmemc.ini cmemc -c cmem admin store bootstrap --import
Update or import bootstrap data ... done
make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/ttelleis/cmem-dist/cmem-orchestration'

CMEM-Orchestration successfully started with store graphdb.
Please open http://docker.localhost:80 for validation.
Run make logs to see log output

Initial Login / Test¤

Open your browser and navigate to http://docker.localhost

account password description
admin admin Is member of the global admin group (can see and do anything)

After successful login, you will see Corporate Memory interface. You can now proceed to the ➡Getting Started section.


To create a backup you have to prepare the backup folders. Make sure these folders exists and have write permissions. Run this:

# assuming you are currently in the the cmem-orchestration folder
$ mkdir -p data/backups/graphs data/backups/workspace
$ chmod 777 data/backups/graphs data/backups/workspace

$ make backup
mkdir -p data/backups/keycloak
Started Keycloak database backup to data/backups/keycloak/keycloak.sql ...
Finished Keycloak database backup.
mv data/backups/keycloak/keycloak.sql data/backups/keycloak/2024-07-26_14-15.sql
ln -sf 2024-07-26_14-15.sql data/backups/keycloak/latest.sql
mkdir -p data/backups/workspace
docker compose run -i --rm --env "OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET=c8c12828-000c-467b-9b6d-2d6b5e16df4a" --volume /home/ttelleis/cmem-dist/cmem-orchestration/data:/data --volume /home/ttelleis/cmem-dist/cmem-orchestration/conf/cmemc/cmemc.ini:/config/cmemc.ini cmemc -c cmem admin workspace export /data/backups/workspace/
Export workspace to /data/backups/workspace/ ... done
ln -sf data/backups/workspace/
mkdir -p data/backups/python-packages
zip -r data/backups/python-packages/ data/python-packages
  adding: data/python-packages/ (stored 0%)
ln -sf data/backups/python-packages/
mkdir -p data/backups/graphs
docker compose run -i --rm --env "OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET=c8c12828-000c-467b-9b6d-2d6b5e16df4a" --volume /home/ttelleis/cmem-dist/cmem-orchestration/data:/data --volume /home/ttelleis/cmem-dist/cmem-orchestration/conf/cmemc/cmemc.ini:/config/cmemc.ini cmemc -c cmem admin store export /data/backups/graphs/
Exporting graphs backup to /data/backups/graphs/ ... done
ln -sf data/backups/graphs/
zip -r data/backups/ data/backups/keycloak/2024-07-26_14-15.sql data/backups/workspace/ data/backups/graphs/ data/backups/python-packages/
  adding: data/backups/keycloak/2024-07-26_14-15.sql (deflated 82%)
  adding: data/backups/workspace/ (stored 0%)
  adding: data/backups/graphs/ (stored 0%)
  adding: data/backups/python-packages/ (stored 0%)
ln -sf data/backups/
The full backup is now at data/backups/
