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Scenario: Single Node Cloud Installation¤


This page describes a docker-compose based orchestration running on a server instance accessible publicly via browser (SSL enabled via letsencrypt).


  • ssh access to a server instance (Debian 11) with a public IP address
  • A resolvable domain name to this server
  • Terminal with ssh client installed locally
  • An eccenca partner account for the docker registry as well as the release artifact area

Server Provisioning¤

In this step, you install necessary software on the server and execute the following commands as root:

$ sudo apt-get update

# install ntp and set timezone
$ sudo apt-get install -y ntp
$ sudo timedatectl set-timezone Europe/Berlin

# install needed packages
$ sudo apt-get install -y apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl gnupg2 \
    software-properties-common gnupg lsb-release gettext zip unzip git \ 
    make vim jq

# install docker and docker-compose
$ curl -fsSL \
    | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/docker-archive-keyring.gpg
$ echo "deb \
    [arch=amd64 signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/docker-archive-keyring.gpg] \ $(lsb_release -cs) stable" \
    | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list > /dev/null
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install docker-ce docker-ce-cli \

# (optional) add a user to docker group
# sudo usermod -a -G docker admin



For username and password in curl command use the credentials to access eccenca Artifactory and docker registry.

Connect to the server and navigate to the directory with the Corporate Memory docker orchestration:

# login to the eccenca docker registry
$ docker login

# download the Corporate Memory orchestration distribution
$ cd /opt
$ curl \

# unzip the orchestration and move the unzipped directory to 
# /opt/cmem-orchestration
$ unzip
$ rm
$ mv cmem-orchestration-v* /opt/cmem-orchestration

# configure git in order to commit changes to the orchestration
$ cd /opt/cmem-orchestration
$ git config --global "" && git init && git add . \
    && git commit -m "stub"

The Corporate Memory docker orchestration is configured with environment files.

You will need to create an environment file at /opt/cmem-orchestration/environments/prod.env. For now, you can use the provided file config.ssl-letsencrypt.env as a template.


You need to change the lines with DEPLOYHOST and LETSENCRYPT_MAIL to your actual values.

$ cd /opt/cmem-orchestration/environments
$ cp config.ssl-letsencrypt.env prod.env

$ vi prod.env

In addition that, you need to remove the default config and link it to your prod.env

cd /opt/cmem-orchestration/environments

rm config.env
ln -s prod.env config.env

To see all available configuration options refer to Docker Orchestration configuration page.

Next, request SSL certificates from letsencrypt service:

cd /opt/cmem-orchestration
make letsencrypt-create

Change CMEM_BASE_URI according to your DEPLOYHOST.

# update cmemc configuration
$ rm conf/cmemc/cmemc.ini
$ cat <<EOF > conf/cmemc/cmemc.ini

Finally deploy the Corporate Memory instance:

make clean-pull-start-bootstrap
make tutorials-import

Optional: you can install cmem as a systemd service for this use these commands as root or sudo:

cp /opt/cmem-orchestration/conf/systemd/cmem-orchestration.service \
systemctl enable cmem-orchestration
systemctl start cmem-orchestration

Validation and Finalisation¤

Open your browser and navigate to the host you have created in DNS server, e.g.

Click CONTINUE WITH LOGIN and use one of these default accounts:

account password description
admin admin Is member of the global admin group (can see and do anything)

After successful login, you will see Corporate Memory interface. You can now proceed to the  Getting Started section.

Do not forget to change the passwords of your deployment, especially if it is available from the public internet. For this, take a look at Change Passwords and Keys.

cp /opt/cmem-orchestration/conf/systemd/cmem-orchestration.service \
systemctl enable cmem-orchestration
systemctl start cmem-orchestration


To create a backup you have to prepare the backup folders. Make sure these folders exists and have write permissions. Run this:

# assuming you are currently in the the cmem-orchestration folder
$ mkdir -p data/backups/graphs data/backups/workspace
$ chmod 777 data/backups/graphs data/backups/workspace

$ make backup
mkdir -p data/backups/keycloak
Started Keycloak database backup to data/backups/keycloak/keycloak.sql ...
Finished Keycloak database backup.
mv data/backups/keycloak/keycloak.sql data/backups/keycloak/2024-07-26_14-15.sql
ln -sf 2024-07-26_14-15.sql data/backups/keycloak/latest.sql
mkdir -p data/backups/workspace
docker compose run -i --rm --env "OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET=c8c12828-000c-467b-9b6d-2d6b5e16df4a" --volume /home/ttelleis/cmem-dist/cmem-orchestration/data:/data --volume /home/ttelleis/cmem-dist/cmem-orchestration/conf/cmemc/cmemc.ini:/config/cmemc.ini cmemc -c cmem admin workspace export /data/backups/workspace/
Export workspace to /data/backups/workspace/ ... done
ln -sf data/backups/workspace/
mkdir -p data/backups/python-packages
zip -r data/backups/python-packages/ data/python-packages
  adding: data/python-packages/ (stored 0%)
ln -sf data/backups/python-packages/
mkdir -p data/backups/graphs
docker compose run -i --rm --env "OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET=c8c12828-000c-467b-9b6d-2d6b5e16df4a" --volume /home/ttelleis/cmem-dist/cmem-orchestration/data:/data --volume /home/ttelleis/cmem-dist/cmem-orchestration/conf/cmemc/cmemc.ini:/config/cmemc.ini cmemc -c cmem admin store export /data/backups/graphs/
Exporting graphs backup to /data/backups/graphs/ ... done
ln -sf data/backups/graphs/
zip -r data/backups/ data/backups/keycloak/2024-07-26_14-15.sql data/backups/workspace/ data/backups/graphs/ data/backups/python-packages/
  adding: data/backups/keycloak/2024-07-26_14-15.sql (deflated 82%)
  adding: data/backups/workspace/ (stored 0%)
  adding: data/backups/graphs/ (stored 0%)
  adding: data/backups/python-packages/ (stored 0%)
ln -sf data/backups/
The full backup is now at data/backups/
