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Access Conditions¤


Access Conditions specify access rights for users and groups to graphs and actions (1).

  1. Graphs identify specific Knowledge Graphs. Actions identify specific parts or components of the platform, such as the query catalog or the data integration system (Build).

Access Conditions are managed in a special system graph, so write access to this graph needs to be handled carefully. The management of access conditions can be done either by using the browser based user interface or the command line based user interface (cmemc).

Attributes of Access Conditions¤

In order to understand the different user interfaces to manage access conditions, it is crucial to understand what details can be described with a single access condition. The following list describes the different attributes, a single access condition can have. They are all optional except that a single access condition needs to provide at least one grant or has a dynamic access condition query.

The listed IRIs in this section use the following prefix declarations:

PREFIX eccauth: <>
PREFIX :        <>


  • Name is a short and human readable text you can give to your access condition in order to identify them.

  • Description is an optional and longer text you can add, to provide more context.

Define who gets access¤

  • Use Requires account to specify the user account, which is required by the access condition. If the account matches the account of a given request, this access condition is used to identify the grants for this request. Instead of an actual account, the following meta account can be used.
Resource Explanation
eccauth:AnonymousUser Represents the anonymous user account. You can use it in the Requires account field.
  • Use Requires group to specify the group, the account must be member of in order to match the access condition. If the account of a given request is member of this group, this access condition is used to identify the grants for this request. Instead of an actual group, the following meta group can be used.
Resource Explanation
eccauth:PublicGroup Represents the group which every user is member of (incl. anonymous users). You can use it in the Requires group field.

Users and groups cannot have the same name

Since both user and group resource are represented in the same namespace in the internal graph representation, users and groups cannot have the same identifier.

Define what grants are given¤

  • Allow reading graph is a list of graph IRI to allow to read these graphs. Instead of an actual graph, the following meta graph can be used.
Resource Explanation
eccauth:AllGraphs Represents all RDF named graphs. You can use it in the Allow reading graph or Allow writing graph field.
  • Allow writing graph is a list of graph IRIs to allow to write these graphs. The grant to write to a graph implicitly grants to read the graph. Instead of an actual graph, the following meta graph can be used.
Resource Explanation
eccauth:AllGraphs Represents all RDF named graphs. You can use it in the Allow reading graph or Allow writing graph field.
  • Allowed action is a list of action IRI to allow to use the components or capabilities which are identified with this action. You can use the following actions identifier with this attribute.
Resource Explanation
:AllActions Represents all actions. You can use it to grant execution rights to all actions
:Build Represents the action needed to use eccenca DataIntegration component of eccenca Corporate Memory.
:Build-AdminPython Represents the action needed to use eccenca DataIntegration’s Python plugin management component of eccenca Corporate Memory.
:Build-AdminWorkspace Represents the action needed to use eccenca DataIntegration’s workspace administration component of eccenca Corporate Memory.
:ChangeAccessConditions Represents the action needed to use the Authorization management API (see Developer Manual). You can use it as object of the eccauth:allowedAction property to grant access to the Authorization management API if the user fulfills the access condition.
:Explore-BKE-Manage Represents the action needed to view, create, edit and delete visualisations in the BKE-Module (needs access to config graph as well).
:Explore-BKE-Read Allows to use the BKE-Module interface in read-only mode (needs access to config graph as well).
:Explore-KnowledgeGraphs Represents the action needed to use the Explore Tab (needs access to at least one graph as well)
:Explore-ListSystemGraphs Represents the action needed to list Corporate Memory system graphs (tagged with shui:isSystemResource) in the Knowledge Graph list.
:Explore-QueryCatalog Represents the action needed to use the Query Catalog (needs access to catalog graph as well if changes should be allowed)
:Explore-ThesaurusCatalog Represents the action needed to use the Thesaurus Catalog as well as Thesaurus Project editing interface (needs access to specific thesaurus graphs as well)
:Explore-VocabularyCatalog Represents the action needed to use the Vocabulary Catalog (needs access to specific vocabulary graphs as well)

In addition to these attributes, you can use the following special attributes to grant partial access to the access conditions itself:

  • Graph pattern for granting read access is a pattern to allow users to manage access conditions which grant read access to graphs identified by IRI matching the pattern.

  • Graph pattern for granting write access is a pattern to allow users to manage access conditions which grant write access to graphs identified by IRI matching the pattern.

  • Pattern for granting actions is a pattern to allow users to manage access conditions which grant action usage to action identified by IRI matching the pattern.

Dynamic Conditions¤

Use this attribute to dynamically compute who get access on which graphs, based on background information from your Knowledge Graphs:

  • Dynamic access condition is an attribute which requires a SPARQL Select query which returns the following projection variables: user, group, readGraph, writeGraph.

The following example query grants write access to all users which are described as creators (using Dublin Core) in the graph itself.

PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX dct: <>
PREFIX void: <>

SELECT  ?user ?group ?readGraph ?writeGraph
  GRAPH ?writeGraph {
    ?writeGraph rdf:type void:Dataset .
    ?writeGraph dct:creator ?user .

Given the following Knowledge Graph, the account tester will get access to it, because the IRI of the account is related to the graph.

PREFIX dct: <>
PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX void: <>

  rdf:type void:Dataset ;
  rdfs:label "My Data"@en;
  dct:creator <> .

User and group namespace

The IRI identifier for users and groups need have the namespace If your data does not match this requirement, you can manipulate the IRIs with SPARQL functions on-the-fly.

Managing Access Conditions¤

Web interface¤

The access control module can be selected in the Admin section of the left main menu of the Explore component. After clicking it, you will see a screen similar to this:

Access Control: List Access Conditions

Access Control: List Access Conditions

You have two major application areas (tabs) here:

  • In the Manage tab, you can view, edit, add and delete all access conditions, which are manageable by your account.
  • In the Review tab, you can see the effective rights based on a selection of an account and groups.

View, edit and update¤

Use the following icon buttons for a specific action with a certain access condition:

  • Use to view an access condition.
  • Use to edit an access condition.
  • Use to delete an access condition.

Use the Create access condition button to create a new access condition.


In the Review tab, you can see the effective rights based on a selection of an account and groups. This allows for debugging your access condition system as a whole. In order to see the rights select a user and / or group combination from the drop-down list on top (principal). Then you will see a screen similar to this:

Access Control: Review Access Conditions

Access Control: Review Access Conditions

This screen is split into two main areas:

  • First, the effective rights are listed, which summarize the resulting access rights.

    • The Root access field shows if the principal has root access.
    • The Read all and Write all fields show if the principal has read or write access to all graphs.
    • The All actions are allowed field shows if the principal has permission to execute all actions.
    • The Allowed actions field lists the actions the principal is allowed to execute.
    • The Readable graphs and Writable graphs fields list the graphs the principal is allowed to read or write.
  • Second, the list of all access conditions which contributed to the effective access rights. This section allows to see which access conditions matched the principal and which access rights they grant.

Command line interface¤

With cmemc you can use an additional command line based interface to manage access conditions. This interface is primarily used for the automation of provisioning tasks. The important command groups for managing principals and access conditions are:

  • admin acl - List, create, delete, modify and review access conditions.
  • admin user - List, create, delete and modify user accounts.
  • admin client - List client accounts, get or generate client account secrets.

The following session demonstrates how to create a new user, set a password and grant access to certain areas.

$ cmemc admin acl list
No access conditions found. Use the `admin acl create` command to create a new access condition.

$ cmemc admin user create tester
Creating user tester ... done

$ cmemc admin user update tester --assign-group local-users
Updating user tester ... done

$ cmemc admin user password tester
Changing password for account tester ...
New password:
Retype new password:

$ cmemc admin acl create --id local-users-access --group local-users \
    --write-graph \
    --write-graph \
    --read-graph \
    --action :Explore-QueryCatalog \
    --action :Explore-KnowledgeGraphs \
    --description "Access to query catalog and basic exploration of"
Creating access condition 'Condition for group local-users' ... done

$ cmemc admin acl list
┃ URI                 ┃ Name                            ┃
┃ :local-users-access ┃ Condition for group local-users ┃

Typical Use Cases¤

Regular administration user¤

In order to create a regular administration user account, you need to grant the following rights:

  • Allowed Actions: All Actions (
  • Allow writing graphs: All Graphs (

In the web interface, this will look like:

Access Control: Create a regular Administration user

Access Control: Create a regular Administration user

With cmemc, you can achieve this with the following command:

$ cmemc admin acl create --id my-admin-account-acl \
    --user my-admin --action :AllActions \
Creating access condition 'Condition for user: my-admin' ... done

∴ cmemc admin acl list
┃ URI                   ┃ Name                            ┃
┃ :local-users-access   ┃ Condition for group local-users ┃
┃ :my-admin-account-acl ┃ Condition for user: my-admin    ┃

In case you need to create the user account, you can do this as well:

$ cmemc admin user create my-admin
Creating user my-admin ... done

$ cmemc admin user password my-admin
Changing password for account my-admin ...
New password:
Retype new password:

User with limited access¤

In order to limit access to specific parts of the application, you need to know which actions and graphs should be combined to achieve a certain goal.

The following list, provides grants which work together:

Access to the Explore User Interface¤

  • Allowed Actions: Explore - Knowledge Graphs Exploration (:Explore-KnowledgeGraphs)
  • Allow read graphs:
    • CMEM Shape Catalog (
    • Any other graph the user should be able to explore
  • Allow write graphs:
    • (optional) Any graph the user should be able to change

Access to the Query Catalog¤

  • Allowed Actions: Explore - Query Catalog (:Explore-QueryCatalog)
  • Allow read graphs:
    • (optional) Any graph the user should be able to query
  • Allow write graphs:
    • CMEM Query Catalog (
    • (optional) Any graph the user should be able to change

Access to DataIntegration¤

  • Allowed Actions: Build - Workspace (:Build)
  • Allow write graphs:
    • All Graphs (
