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admin workspace Command Group¤

Import, export and reload the project workspace.

admin workspace export¤

Export the complete workspace (all projects) to a ZIP file.

$ cmemc admin workspace export [OPTIONS] [FILE]

Depending on the requested export type, this ZIP file contains either one Turtle file per project (type rdfTurtle) or a substructure of resource files and XML descriptions (type xmlZip).

The file name is optional and will be generated with by the template if absent.

--replace                     Replace existing files. This is a dangerous
                              option, so use it with care.
--type TEXT                   Type of the exported workspace file.
                              [default: xmlZip]
-t, --filename-template TEXT  Template for the export file name. Possible
                              placeholders are (Jinja2): {{connection}}
                              (from the --connection option) and {{date}}
                              (the current date as YYYY-MM-DD). The file
                              suffix will be appended. Needed directories
                              will be created.  [default:

admin workspace import¤

Import the workspace from a file.

$ cmemc admin workspace import [OPTIONS] FILE
--type TEXT  Type of the exported workspace file.  [default: xmlZip]

admin workspace reload¤

Reload the workspace from the backend.

$ cmemc admin workspace reload
