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graph validation Command Group¤

Validate resources in a graph.

This command group is dedicated to the management of resource validation processes. A validation process verifies, that resources in a specific graph are valid according to the node shapes in a shape catalog graph.


Validation processes are identified with a random ID and can be listed with the graph validation list command. To start or cancel validation processes, use the graph validation execute and graph validation cancel command. To inspect the found violations of a validation process, use the graph validation inspect command.

graph validation execute¤

Start a new validation process.

$ cmemc graph validation execute [OPTIONS] IRI

Validation is performed on all typed resources of the data / context graph (and its sub-graphs). Each resource is validated against all applicable node shapes from the shape catalog.

--wait                          Wait until the process is finished. When
                                using this option without the `--id-only`
                                flag, it will enable a progress bar and a
                                summary view.
--shape-graph TEXT              The shape catalog used for validation.
--query TEXT                    SPARQL query to select the resources which
                                you want to validate from the data graph.
                                Can be provided as a local file or as a
                                query catalog IRI. [default: all typed
--result-graph TEXT             (Optionally) write the validation results to
                                a Knowledge Graph. [default: None]
--replace                       Replace the result graph instead of just
                                adding the new results. This is a dangerous
                                option, so use it with care!
--ignore-graph TEXT             A set of data graph IRIs which are not
                                queried in the resource selection. This
                                option is useful for validating only parts
                                of an integration graph which imports other
--id-only                       Return the validation process identifier
                                only. This is useful for piping the ID into
                                other commands.
--inspect                       Return the list of violations instead of the
                                summary (includes --wait).
--polling-interval INTEGER RANGE
                                How many seconds to wait between status
                                polls. Status polls are cheap, so a higher
                                polling interval is most likely not needed.
                                [default: 1; x>=1]

graph validation list¤

List running and finished validation processes.

$ cmemc graph validation list [OPTIONS]

This command provides a filterable table or identifier list of validation processes. The command operates on the process summary and provides some statistics.


Detailed information on the found violations can be listed with the graph validation inspect command.

--filter <TEXT TEXT>...  Filter validation processes by one of the following
                         filter names and a corresponding value: status,
                         context-graph, shape-graph, more-resources-than,
                         more-violations-than, more-violated-resources-than.
--id-only                List validation process identifier only. This is
                         useful for piping the IDs into other commands.
--raw                    Outputs raw JSON of the validation list.

graph validation inspect¤

List and inspect errors found with a validation process.

$ cmemc graph validation inspect [OPTIONS] PROCESS_ID

This command provides detailed information on the found violations of a validation process.

Use the --filter option to limit the output based on different criteria such as constraint name (constraint), origin node shape of the rule (node-shape), or the validated resource (resource).


Validation processes IDs can be listed with the graph validation list command, or by utilizing the tab completion of this command.

--filter <TEXT TEXT>...  Filter violations by one of the following filter
                         names and a corresponding value: constraint,
                         severity, resource, node-shape, source.
--id-only                Return violated resource identifier only. This is
                         useful for piping the ID into other commands.
--summary                Outputs the summary of the graph validation instead
                         of the violations list (not filterable).
--raw                    Outputs raw JSON of the validation result.

graph validation cancel¤

Cancel a running validation process.

$ cmemc graph validation cancel PROCESS_ID


In order to get the process IDs of all currently running validation processes, use the graph validation list command with the option --filter status running, or utilize the tab completion of this command.

graph validation export¤

Export a report of finished validations.

$ cmemc graph validation export [OPTIONS] [PROCESS_IDS]...

This command exports a jUnit XML or JSON report in order to process them somewhere else (e.g. a CI pipeline).

You can export a single report of multiple validation processes.

For jUnit XML: Each validation process result will be transformed to a single test suite. All violations of one resource in a result will be collected and attached to a single test case in that test suite.


Validation processes IDs can be listed with the graph validation list command, or by utilizing the tab completion of this command.

--output-file FILE      Export the report to this file. Existing files will
                        be overwritten.  [default: report.xml]
--exit-1 [never|error]  Specify, when this command returns with exit code 1.
                        Available options are 'never' (exit 0, even if there
                        are violations in the reports), 'error' (exit 1 if
                        there is at least one violation in a report).),
                        [default: error]
--format [JSON|XML]     Export either the plain JSON report or a distilled
                        jUnit XML report.  [default: XML]
