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Dataset module¤

Configuration property: modules.datasets | Scope: app-wide and per workspace

The Dataset module of DataManager is used to manage datasets and their attached resources.

  • js.config.modules.datasets
    • enable
    • startWith
    • graphUrl
    • dataintegration
      • url
      • project
Property Default Required Conflicts with Valid values
js.config.modules.datasets.enable false no none boolean

Set this property to true to enable the Dataset module of DataManager.

Note: If this property is set to false , all other settings of modules.datasets are skipped. To use the module you also need to have read access to the graphs specified in js.config.modules.vocabulary.graphUrland js.config.shacl.shapesGraph as well as the access control action urn:eccenca:di.

Property Default Required Conflicts with Valid values
js.config.modules.datasets.startWith false no none boolean

Set this property to true to load this module as default one after login.

Note: If more than one module has definedstartWith: true the most left module in Module bar will be set as default.

Property Default Required Conflicts with Valid values
js.config.modules.datasets.graphUrl none yes none string (URI)

Use this property to define the target graph for read and write operations.

Property Default Required Conflicts with Valid values
js.config.modules.datasets.dataintegration.url none yes none string (URL)

Use this property to define the URL of DataIntegration that is needed for dataset workflows.

Property Default Required Conflicts with Valid values
js.config.modules.datasets.dataintegration.project none yes none string

Use this property to define the name of the DataIntegration project.

Configuration example¤

    enable: true
    startWith: false
      project: your_project_name