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Configuration property: workspaces | Scope: app-wide only

DataManager provides the option to define pre-configured workspaces a user can select for login.

  • js.config.workspaces
    • id
      • name
      • authorization

        • type
        • logoutRedirectUrl - backend
        • type
        • url
        • endpointId - DIWorkspace
        • enable
        • url
Property Default Required Conflicts with Valid values
js.config.workspaces[id].name none yes none string

Use this property to define a descriptive name for the workspace that the user sees when selecting a workspace.

Property Default Required Conflicts with Valid values
js.config.workspaces[id].authorization.type none yes none string

Use this property to define the type of authorization.

Note: Currently, possible values are anonymous and oauth2 . If oauth2 is selected, you need to configure more options as described in section Authorization.

Property Default Required Conflicts with Valid values
js.config.workspaces[id].authorization.logoutRedirectUrl none no none string (URL)

Use this property to define a page other than the DataManager page that a user is redirected to after logout.

Property Default Required Conflicts with Valid values
js.config.workspaces[id].backend.type none yes none string

Use this property to define the type of the data backend.

Note: Currently, the only possible value is dataplatform.

Property Default Required Conflicts with Valid values
js.config.workspaces[id].backend.url none yes none string (URL)

Use this property to define the base URL of the data backend.

Note: For js.config.workspaces[id].backend.type: dataplatform the base URL must not contain “/” at the end.

Property Default Required Conflicts with Valid values
js.config.workspaces[id].backend.endpointId none yes none string

Use this property to define the identifier of a specific SPARQL endpoint at the data backend.

Property Default Required Conflicts with Valid values
js.config.workspaces[id].DIWorkspace.enable none yes none true / false

Use this property to enable/disable Data Integration menu item on navigation menu.

Property Default Required Conflicts with Valid values
js.config.workspaces[id].DIWorkspace.url none yes none string

Use this property to define the url where Data Integration is accessible.

Configuration example¤

  # definition for workspace 1
    name: 'Default Workspace'
      type: 'oauth2'
        clientId: 'eldsClient'
        grantType: 'implicit'
        authorizeUrl: 'https://<dataplatform_uri>/oauth/authorize'
      type: 'dataplatform'
      url: 'https://<dataplatform_uri>'
      endpointId: 'default'
      enable: true
      url: /dataintegration/workspace-beta

  # definition for workspace 2
    name: 'Another Workspace'
      type: 'anonymous'
      type: 'dataplatform'
      url: '<dataplatform_uri>'
      endpointId: 'default'
      enable: true
      url: /dataintegration/workspace-beta

Most configuration options that are app-wide applied can be overruled by specific workspace configurations. To overrule an app-wide configuration include the specific configuration option in the workspace definition as shown in the example below:

  # definition for workspace 1
    name: 'Default Workspace'
      type: 'anonymous'
      type: 'dataplatform'
      url: 'https://<dataplatform_uri>'
      endpointId: 'default'
    # overwrites app-wide appPresentation configuration for this workspace refer to chapter App presentation
      windowTitle: 'Example Name'

  windowTitle: DataManager
  headerName: Datamanager

In the example above, the properties js.config.workspaces and js.config.appPresentation are configured. The property js.config.appPresentation.windowTitle in js.config.workspaces changes the title of DataManager from ‘DataManager‘ to ‘Example Name‘ for this specific workspace. Users logged in to this workspace see Example Name as window title, because the workspace configuration overrules the app-wide configuration.