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Workspaces Authorization¤

DataManager provides several types of authorization.

  • js.config.workspaces
    • id
      • authorization
        • type
        • oauth2
          • grantType
          • authorizeUrl
          • clientId
          • tokenUrl
          • clientSecret

If you want to use OAuth2, you need to define authorization.type to oauth2 as well as specify further configuration parameters within the oauth2 parameter:

Property Default Required Conflicts with Valid values
js.config.workspaces[id].authorization.oauth2.grantType none yes, if authorization.type is oauth2 none implicit or authorization_code

Use this property to define the OAuth2 workflow. Depending on what value you choose you have to configure different properties:

  • implicit : authorizeURL and clientId
  • authorization_code : authorizeUrl , clientId , tokenUrl , and as optional property clientSecret

Note: It is recommended to use the implicit workflow, as DataManager is a client application.

Property Default Required Conflicts with Valid values
js.config.workspaces[id].authorization.oauth2.authorizeUrl none yes, if authorization.type is oauth2 none string (URL)

Use this property to define the authorization endpoint URL of the OAuth2 authorization server.

Property Default Required Conflicts with Valid values
js.config.workspaces[id].authorization.oauth2.clientId none yes, if authorization.type is oauth2 none string

Use this property to define the client identifier issued by the OAuth2 authorization server.

Property Default Required Conflicts with Valid values
js.config.workspaces[id].authorization.oauth2.tokenUrl none yes, ifauthorization.oauth2.grantType is ‘authorization_code none string (URL)

Use this property to define the authorization token endpoint URL of the OAuth2 authorization server.

Note: This property is only needed for js.config.workspaces[id].authorization.oauth2.grantType=authorization_code.

Property Default Required Conflicts with Valid values
js.config.workspaces[id].authorization.oauth2.clientSecret none yes, if authorization.oauth2.grantType is ‘authorization_code none string

Use this property to define a passphrase for OAuth2 client authorization. Usually, this property is not required. It must only be set if the authorization server expects a client secret.

Configuration example¤

The two examples below show how a backend configuration can look like as for example for an eccenca DataPlatform using different authorization options.

DataPlatform configuration with anonymous access:

    name: 'Default Workspace (anonymous)'
      type: 'anonymous'
      type: 'dataplatform'
      url: 'https://<dataplatform_uri>'
      endpointId: 'default'

DataPlatform configuration with implicit OAuth2 workflow:

    name: 'Default endpoint (oauth-implicit)'
      type: 'oauth2'
        clientId: 'eldsClient'
        grantType: 'implicit'
        authorizeUrl: 'https://<dataplatform_uri>/oauth/authorize'
      type: 'dataplatform'
      url: 'https://<dataplatform_uri>'
      endpointId: 'default'

DataPlatform with authorization code OAuth2 workflow:

    name: 'Default endpoint (oauth-implicit)'
      type: 'oauth2'
        clientId: 'eldsClient'
        grantType: 'authorization_code'
        authorizeUrl: 'https://<dataplatform_uri>/oauth/authorize'
        tokenUrl: 'https://<dataplatform_uri>/oauth/token'
        clientSecret: 'secret'
      type: 'dataplatform'
      url: 'https://<dataplatform_uri>'
      endpointId: 'default'