admin workspace python Command Group¤
List, install, or uninstall python packages.
Python packages are used to extend the DataIntegration workspace with python plugins. To get a list of installed packages, execute the list command.
Installing packages from unknown sources is not recommended. Plugins are not verified for malicious code.
admin workspace python install¤
Install a python package to the workspace.
This command is essentially a pip install
in the remote python environment.
You can install a package by uploading a source distribution .tar.gz file, by uploading a build distribution .whl file, or by specifying a package name, i.e., a pip requirement specifier with a package name available on (e.g. requests==2.27.1
admin workspace python uninstall¤
Uninstall a python packages from the workspace.
This command is essentially a pip uninstall
in the remote python environment.
admin workspace python list¤
List installed python packages.
This command is essentially a pip list
in the remote python environment.
It outputs a table of python package identifiers with version information.
--raw Outputs raw JSON.
--id-only Lists only package identifier. This is useful for piping the
IDs into other commands.
--available Instead of listing installed packages, this option lists
installable packages from, which are prefixed with
'cmem-plugin-' and so are most likely Corporate Memory plugin
admin workspace python list-plugins¤
List installed workspace plugins.
This commands lists all discovered plugins.
The plugin discovery is restricted to package prefix (cmem-
admin workspace python open¤
Open a package page in the browser.
With this command, you can open the page of a published package in your browser. From there, you can follow links, review the version history as well as the origin of the package, and read the provided documentation.